3 min read

My Backpacking Gear: The Rookie List

A record of all the gear I took on my first backpacking trip, after tons of research and many hours at REI. Let's see how much it changes over the years!
A collage of backpacking gear, including a large brick red backpack, sleeping bag, and inflatable pillow

Given the financial investment and research I've put into hiking and backpacking – not to mention that with each passing day I only grow more obsessed with it – I thought it would be interesting to list all my current gear. My expectation is that as the months and years fly by, my gear list will be subtly revised as I swap things in and out. And if I follow the typical trajectory of most backpackers, I'll probably end up going Ultralight within a couple years! 🤣

More than anything, it should be fascinating to look back on this in the future and see how things have evolved. And maybe it will end up helping new backpackers who are just starting their journey.

My First Backpacking Gear List

My First Backpacking Trip, Day 1: Happy Isles To Little Yosemite Valley
A photo journal of my first backpacking trip into the Yosemite Wilderness.

So, let's start with all the gear I loaded onto my back for my first backpacking trip into the Yosemite Wilderness.

After some crucial knowledge handed down from my brother Jer, dozens of research hours logged, and 3 hours inside the Fresno REI with an incredibly patient employee, here's what I ended up using on my 4-day backpacking adventure from Yosemite's Happy Isles to Merced Lake and back.

My LighterPack

Please note: none of the below are affiliate links. They are simply provided for convenience. Prices listed are amounts I paid at time of purchase.

Text Version

Just in case the fancy embedded stuff doesn't work.

Phew! Let's not total up all those dollar amounts.

Totalling up the weight, though, we end up just north of 22 pounds before food gets packed or additional clothes get thrown in. Next time I hit the trail for a few days, I'll measure what my total carried weight will be so there's a record of it.

Through the lens of minimal experience, I would only make a couple substitutions if I were assembling all this gear today, but I think I'll save that for a separate blog post.

Happy trails and thanks for reading!
