The Stories Behind My Favorite Photos: February 2024

Throughout 2025, this series will be a companion to my "memory jar" which I blogged about last month. I'm picking out a handful of my favorite photos from each month in 2024 and sharing a short thought about them. It seemed like a very "Seasons of Jason" thing to do to reflect back on the variety of memories and experiences I had. So, let's get into the stories behind my favorite photos of February 2024!
#1: Making My Inner Child Ridiculously Happy
In February 2024 there were several firsts. Actually, let's call them "revisited firsts." By far the most notable was that I started reading and collecting comics again. Many years ago I had a small assortment of comics (mainly stuff like Preacher, Walking Dead, and Stray Bullets) but they were lost to time and unfortunate circumstances.
Once I caught wind of Robert Kirkman and Skybound Entertainment's new "Energon Universe" which aimed to be a grown-up crossover of Transformers and G.I. Joe, I headed to my local comic book store and snatched up the first few issues I'd missed, and enthusiastically added everything else to my pull list. (Not a single issue since then has made me regret that decision...)
But this isn't really about comics; it's about rediscovering my inner child. One Saturday morning in February, I decided to recreate what I considered the ultimate Saturday morning as a kid: junkfood cereal, cartoons, and comics! So I grabbed a box of Lucky Charms, sat down with Transformers #1, and fired up X-Men: The Animated Series.
This photo, and indeed the memory, makes me smile every time I see it. Don't forget to let your inner child come out and play once in a while.
#2: "Til' All Are One"
This inevitably led to me missing my Transformers toy collection, so I decided to splurge on the original G1 versions of Optimus Prime (and later Soundwave, Blaster, and Astrotrain). They're all standing guard around the my work desk, and they elicit instant smiles and happy thoughts when I look at them.
It's all about finding joy and keeping it close, in whatever form that takes.
#3: Adding Homegrown Basil To Tomato Soup
Remember the basil I mentioned from January's collection? It was finally looking mature enough to eat, so I added some to a bowl of tomato soup. (That tomato soup's companion was of course a grilled cheese sandwich featuring fresh mozzarella and San Luis Sourdough...)
The simple act of garnishing this soup with something I'd grown at home was one of several things that sparked my desire to start a proper garden. Which you'll see start to take shape in next month's favorite photos collection!
Until then, take care – and take care of each other!
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