ROCK RADAR, Vol 1: The Best Music You've Never Heard

My Rock Radar mixtape series is a semi-regular collection of my favorite new and emerging bands. Or bands that are simply new to me! I started creating these for myself in 2022 as old-school, analog mixtapes. Time capsules of music discovery. Something to enjoy for years to come. And something to share with my friends, whether they prefer streaming, digital, or old-school analog.
I only include songs that I absolutely love hearing on repeat.
Below you’ll find everything you need to enjoy the hell out my first mixtape:
- Spotify playlists for Side A + Side B.
- Song.Link URLs for every track, for those who don’t use Spotify.
- Complete MP3 versions of Side A and Side B (these are lengthy ~45m audio files designed to be recorded onto each side of a 90-minute blank tape; they feature custom EQ, volume normalization, manual crossfading, and of course the requisite 5 seconds of silence up front).
Enjoy, listen LOUD, support the bands, and share the music!
Rock Radar Vol. 1 Spotify Playlists
If you want to dive right in, just press play on these Spotify playlists, but be warned you’ll only hear the full tracks if you have Spotify Premium. Because these are meant to be enjoyed as classic mixtapes, I’ve separated the playlists into Side A and Side B.
Import Playlist To Your Favorite Platform
Use the link below to save the complete Rock Radar, Volume 1 playlist to your music platform of choice:
Direct Download
Want to slap Rock Radar #1 onto a 90 minute blank tape? Wish granted! Here are direct downloads of both sides of the mixtape in 256K MP3 format:
Side A
Side B
Song.Link URLs: Side A
For your convenience, these are links to stream or buy every song on a number of streaming platforms including YouTube, Apple Music, Spotify, Deezer, Tidal, and Amazon. Each link will present you with every possible option.
- Turnstile: Mystery
- Cave In: Blood Spiller
- Gun: Backstreet Brothers
- Momma: Speeding 72
- October Drift: Webcam Funerals
- Long Distance Calling: Giants Leaving
- L.S. Dunes: Permanent Rebellion
- The Crew: One Voice
- Ginger Wildheart & The Sinners: That Smile
- The Blue Stones: Don’t Miss
- Joyce Manor: Let It Go
- PLTS: On & On
- Master Boot Record: 8086
Song.Link URLs: Side B
- Bartees Strange: Heavy Heart
- Bexley: Sick
- Neckscars: Jarring
- The Sewer Rats: Rejuvenate
- Wet Leg: Chaise Longue
- Nothing But Thieves: Real Love Song
- Mo Lowda & The Humble: Pearls
- Dan Andriano & The Bygones: Sea Level
- Beach Riot: Tune In, Drop Out
- VALERAS: Let Me Go
- Sick Joy: Don’t Feel Like Dying
- Reuben & The Dark: Timelapse Clouds
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